The electric split frame pipe cutter is an external clamp equipment to process pipe cold cutting and beveling. It can open in two halves and be installed on the pipe spindle for processing. It is suitable for pipe cutting, beveling, boring inner holes, flange end face processing, and outer circle processing, etc. The processing bevel angle can be selected at will, and the tool holder can move automatically. This kind of machine is ideal for all types of pipe cutting, beveling, and end preparation. The split frame design allows the machine to split in half at the frame and mount around the OD of the in-line pipe or fittings for strong, stable clamping. It can be used for vertical, horizontal, and in-wall pipes. The machine performs precision in-line cut or simultaneous cut and bevel, cut or bevel, counterbore, and flange facing operations as well as end preparation on the open-ended pipe. The OCE-457 works on pipes from 300 mm to 457 mm diameters with wall thickness under 30 mm with standard tool slide and 70 mm with heavy duty tool slide.
Cutting Range: 12-18 inches (OD 300-457 mm)
Bevel Type: V, U, J Compound bevel, Counterboring
Power Drivers: Electric
Electric Supply: 220 V-240 V 1 PH 50/60 Hz